
Splatnet/Music Bot

Splatnet/Music bot was originally created in 2017 to be a music/soundclip playing bot. It has evolved into its primary purpose of fetching info from Nintendo Switch Online


If you don’t care about self-hosting the bot, you can use the following link:

Discord App Page

For self-hosting: See Here


S2S - @frozenpandaman Foundation of iksm

iMink - @jonewang - Built-in F-Token provider

Splatoon 3 database - @leanyoshi - Data mine


Running /token and giving it the link it requests pulls your account session token from Nintendo to grant it access to game specific data. It is identical to logging into the NSO App on your phone. The game specific tokens are ONLY used to access your Splatoon 2 stats and ACNH passports to post within Discord and order gear for you. The account session token is used to refresh game tokens if they expire. They are used for nothing else. Feel free to look over modules/ to audit the handling of keys yourself.

Admin commands

There are a few admin commands to configure the bot. To run these commands, you need the administrator permission in your discord server. Can’t DM the bot with any of these commands

Splatoon 3 Commands

Commands to get info from SplatNet 3 - These commands are largely beta. Feedback is welcome.

Music Commands

These commands cannot be used in DM’s.

Splatoon 2 General Info Commands

Splatoon 2 Splatnet Commands

The following commands require you to run /token and follow the instructions. Run /token again to remove all tokens from the bot.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Commands

The following commands require you to run /token and follow the instructions. Run /token again to remove all tokens from the bot.

Misc Commands

Bot Info Commands
